AddressLoader Reference

Service that provides a way to upload a CSV address file and Geocode each address in order to use as a layer. The .csv file must be POSTed along with the request.

BrowseLayers Reference

Lists the layer metadata available for the user. Can specify folder(s) to browse on or give the layer name(s) specifically. If you specify both, 'layers' will have precedence over 'folder'.

CoordinateLoader Reference

Service that provides a way to upload a CSV file to populate a layer. The CSV must have LONGITUDE and LATITUDE columns and values. The .csv file must be POSTed along with the request.

GetByGeometry Reference

GetByGeometry will accept a geometry (Polygon/Line/Point) and return all the records intersecting that geometry. Supports Resource Chaining.

GetByKey Reference

GetByKey will take in a list of fields and values, and return a list of records with the passed field values. Moreover, optional inclusion geometry may be specified.  If specified, any results that intesect any of the inclusion geometry's extents are kept; otherwise, those rows are discarded.

GetGeocode Reference

GetGeocode takes in an address and potentially a list of fields and will return a list of records corresponding to that address. Many of the address fields can be omitted, changing the location searched. Supports Resource Chaining.

GetMap Reference

Service to render layer(s) to use with Bing Maps, Google Maps, or any other type of map application.

GetQuery Reference

GetQuery will take in a free-form SQL query and return the matching rows from a given resource. Supports Resource Chaining.

LayerCreate Reference

Creates a layer given an XML definition. Ex.

  <Layer Name="MyLayer" PublicName="My Layer">
    <Description>This is my layer.</Description>
      <ElementType name="Row">
        <AttributeType name="ID" label="Identification" searchable="true" editable="false  ">
          <Datatype type="String" />

PublishLayer Reference

Queues a job to Publish a layer.

Publish creates a snapshot from transactional data to a spatial data set optimized for high volume access, minimizing cost per hit, maximizing end user performance, and maximizing data distribution and availability.

ShapeLoader Reference

Service that provides a way to create (or append to) layers by uploading a shapefile (as a .zip archive) to the server. The .zip file must be POSTed along with the request.

SVGInfo Reference

Service that lists the SVG elements and its override attributes.

SVGRasterizer Reference

Service to rasterize a Scalar Vector Graphic (SVG) file. Overrides may be specified in the query string itself as [SVG element ID]=[attributes and values].
E.g. SVGRasterizer.aspx?url=;opacity:0.5

TableLoader Reference

Service that provides a way to upload a CSV file in order to populate a layer. The .csv file must be POSTed along with the request.

Transaction Reference

Allows user to perform transactions, such as inserting, updating, and deleting records in a resource. A single request can consist of multiple transactions on multiple resources.

Version Reference

Allows user to peform actions on Versions, such as activate, assign, create, discard, checkIn, and suspend.